Stack Overflow Dance Dance Authentification
Stack Overflow Dance Dance Authentification
Computer security is always evolving. Passwords are
what you know.Smart cards arewhat you have.We decided to askhow you do you.
Leisure VR
all Leisure Travel Vans will ship with paired VR headsets that allow you to choose and transform your RV into any floorplan.
Prysm Avatar
a work drone that enables you to reap the benefits of working from home, without sacrificing the interpersonal advantages of being in the office. Each drone is equipped with sophisticated sensors and a holographic projector that displays your likeness as a realistic, life-sized avatar.
Google Haptic Helpers
Current VR technology allows for fantastic simulations of visuals and audio, but what about the other three senses? After exploring automated technologies using robotics, we’ve achieved a breakthrough in immersion.
Google Bubble Wrap
Google Bubble Wrap (japanese)
無機質なキーボードやつるつる滑るだけの味気ないタッチスクリーンとはもうサヨナラです。Google 日本語入力 プチプチバージョンは、従来のデバイスにはない手触りを追求して究極のユーザー体験を実現しました。
(Soft response to push back the fingertips. When you can play it sounds echoing in a small heart. Every time you push, you will get an unprecedented experience.)