The Museum of Modern Betas

Class of 2004

The 25 most popular sites from 2004 ranked by the number of bookmarks at

See the Class of 2005, the Class of 2006, the Class of 2007, the Class of 2008, the Class of 2009, the Class of 2010, the Class of 2011 and the Hall of Fame

  1. flickr (80349 overall)
  2. digg (57874 overall)
  3. myspace (32000 overall)
  4. bugmenot (21606 overall)
  5. kayak (19976 overall)
  6. stumbleupon (19833 overall)
  7. processing (18544 overall)
  8. linkedin (18226 overall)
  9. wordpress (18218 overall)
  10. photobucket (17513 overall)
  11. lulu (16833 overall)
  12. thefreedictionary (16596 overall)
  13. woot (16411 overall)
  14. dojotoolkit (16009 overall)
  15. yousendit (15954 overall)
  16. basecamp (15445 overall)
  17. surveymonkey (14984 overall)
  18. moodle (14202 overall)
  19. tiddlywiki (12934 overall)
  20. 43things (12662 overall)
  21. indeed (12505 overall)
  22. openstreetmap (11243 overall)
  23. hack-a-day (11156 overall)
  24. imeem (10366 overall)
  25. 101cookbooks (10340 overall)