The Museum of Modern Betas
The Blog

Beta Quotient: Seth Godin's Web 2.0 List

Groovy 37% (346 out of 940) of the sites listed in Seth Godin’s Web 2.0 Traffic Watch List are in beta.

(please note that this figure isn’t entirely adequate; I’ve scripted the process of checking the beta status, the percentage should be about right though)

btw.: I’ve also updated the mixin section with Seth’s list.

(see the beta quotient for DEMOfall 06 (27%), MoMB (37%), TechCrunch (38%), web 2.0 (1 – 25%), germany (60%), rails (5%), connected innovators (83%), apps inspired by flickr (43%) and apps inspired by digg (21%))

☍ 27.09.2006