The Museum of Modern Betas
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MoMB 5 | 9000 Betas

The MoMB turned five today and coincidentally also just crossed the 9000 betas mark (the 9000th app listed is the super sharp DropGallery.)

A few fun charts:

As most of you know we focus on plain vanilla public betas (78.6%). But we also collect sites in alpha (4.7%), sites which have not publicly launched yet (private alphas, private betas, sites in stealth mode, …) and require some sort of invitation to get in (14.3%), or sites which come in some other beta-ish (gamma, zeta, feta, labs, …) flavor (2.4%).

Google has launched only 2.3% of all betas.

We’ve seen quite a bunch of Twitter Apps lately, unfortunately only 18% of them have been released in beta.

Startup launches since 2004. The peak was in August 2007 with 487 new launches, overall I’m tracking about 22,000 sites.

It has been another interesting year, tons of apps I can’t imagine living without now – if you’ve been hanging in here for a while I hope you’ve been discovering some cool sites too. A big thanks to all of you and to all the wonderful startups.

Btw: you can subscribe to the MoMB here or follow me on twitter here or on Google Buzz here or on FriendFeed here and new additions to the MoMB are retweeted here

(see also MoMB 4 | 7777 Betas, 5555 Betas, MoMB 2 | 4000 Betas, 2001: A Beta Odyssey and 1000 Betas)

☍ 01.10.2010