The Museum of Modern Betas
The Blog

MoMB 5 | 9000 Betas

The MoMB turned five today and coincidentally also just crossed the 9000 betas mark (the 9000th app listed is the super sharp DropGallery.)

A few fun charts:

As most of you know we focus on plain vanilla public betas (78.6%). But we also collect sites in alpha (4.7%), sites which have not publicly launched yet (private alphas, private betas, sites in stealth mode, …) and require some sort of invitation to get in (14.3%), or sites which come in some other beta-ish (gamma, zeta, feta, labs, …) flavor (2.4%).

Google has launched only 2.3% of all betas.

We’ve seen quite a bunch of Twitter Apps lately, unfortunately only 18% of them have been released in beta.

Startup launches since 2004. The peak was in August 2007 with 487 new launches, overall I’m tracking about 22,000 sites.

It has been another interesting year, tons of apps I can’t imagine living without now – if you’ve been hanging in here for a while I hope you’ve been discovering some cool sites too. A big thanks to all of you and to all the wonderful startups.

Btw: you can subscribe to the MoMB here or follow me on twitter here or on Google Buzz here or on FriendFeed here and new additions to the MoMB are retweeted here

(see also MoMB 4 | 7777 Betas, 5555 Betas, MoMB 2 | 4000 Betas, 2001: A Beta Odyssey and 1000 Betas)

☍ 01.10.2010

Search, Slides, Comments

Minor update:

MoMB slideshow mode

I’ve added a slideshow mode [gone] which lets you conveniently browse the most recent additions using the arrow keys or the keyboard shortcuts j/k.

The slideshow makes use of new features of HTML5. If your browser does not support it yet, check out the section recently instead.

MoMB Custom Search

I’ve also revamped the MoMB Custom Search – a search engine based on Google CSE which searches within 200+ hand-picked technology blogs and a couple of news sites.

If you want to get more infos on a featured tool just click on the cse custom search logo beneath each article.

MoMB Custom Search

Last not least I’ve added buttons for sharing on Twitter, Google Buzz, and Delicious and comments via Disqus. They will be displayed when you click on the tiny transmit transmission icon.

☍ 05.05.2010

Beta Quotient TheNextWeb 2010

the next web 2010

Good news (from a betalogical point of view): more than 53% (16 of 30) of the startups which presented themselves at the Startup Rally of the The Next Web Conference are released in beta *:

apprupt *
buildor *
dazzboard *
ecwid *
english-attack *
fashiolista * * (stealth)
flowdock * *
helloinbox * (coming soon)
inbox2 *
mailsuite *
peecho * (almost there)
pressdoc *
shopwithyourfriends * (coming soon)
tribe of noise
userplus * (alpha)

(see the beta quotient for Y Combinator Demo Day (20%), Plugg (42%), TheNextWeb 2008 (60%), Webware 100 (19%), TheNextWeb 2007 (32%), German Twitter Clones (38%), Hungary (45%), Seth Godin’s Web 2.0 List (37%), DEMOfall 06 (27%), MoMB (37%), TechCrunch (38%), web 2.0 (1 – 25%), germany (60%), rails (5%), connected innovators (83%), apps inspired by flickr (43%) and apps inspired by digg (21%))

☍ 27.04.2010

Beta Quotient: Y Combinator Demo Day

Bad news (from a betalogical point of view): less than 20% (4 of 21) of the startups which presented themselves at Y Combinator’s Demo Day are released in beta*:

Answerly *
Data Marketplace
Embedster *
Greplin *
Infoharmony *
Seeing Interactive

(see the beta quotient for Plugg (42%), TheNextWeb 2008 (60%), Webware 100 (19%), TheNextWeb 2007 (32%), German Twitter Clones (38%), Hungary (45%), Seth Godin’s Web 2.0 List (37%), DEMOfall 06 (27%), MoMB (37%), TechCrunch (38%), web 2.0 (1 – 25%), germany (60%), rails (5%), connected innovators (83%), apps inspired by flickr (43%) and apps inspired by digg (21%))

☍ 23.03.2010

MoMB 4 | 7777 Betas

The MoMB recently turned four and also just crossed the 7777 betas mark (the 7777th app listed is the super sharp MaYoMo.)

A few fun charts:

As most of you know we focus on plain vanilla public betas (78.6%). But we also collect sites in alpha (4.7%), sites which have not publicly launched yet (private alphas, private betas, sites in stealth mode, …) and require some sort of invitation to get in (14.7%), or sites which come in some other beta-ish (gamma, zeta, feta, …) flavor (1.8%).

Google has launched only 2.2% of all betas,

but they still lead the pack compared to Yahoo, Microsoft and Amazon.

Beta launches since 2005. It doesn’t seem like the beta-phenomenon is cooling down soon, so stay tuned.

Btw: you can follow me on twitter here or on FriendFeed here and new additions to the MoMB are retweeted here

(see also 5555 Betas, MoMB 2 | 4000 Betas, 2001: A Beta Odyssey and 1000 Betas)

☍ 13.10.2009

Bye Bye Beta

bye bye beta

I guess this day had to come: Gmail is now out of beta. Gmail was the very first site I have listed back in 2005 and it’s the most popular beta Google has ever released, sad to see the beta tag go.

But Google recognizes the cultural dimension of the beta tag, so they also announced a ‘Back to Beta’ feature which you can enable in Gmail Labs.

☍ 07.07.2009

1,111 Twitter Apps

I just stumbled upon the 1,111th Twitter application (the lovely Twittami from Italy) – time for a few fun stats:

twitter apps since 2007
Twitter apps since 2007 (518 in 2009 so far)

twitter beta 18%
only 18% of Twitter apps are released in beta

twitter 2009 32%
massive 32% of all apps launched in 2009 are based on Twitter

The data are not exhaustive of course, but I do track a lot of sites. Since I’m missing both Twitter and other sites the overall picture should be about the same.

I’ve also updated the Twitter 100 list:

  1. tweetdeck (5783 overall)
  2. twitterfeed (5742 overall)
  3. twitter-search (5373 overall)
  4. wefollow (5207 overall)
  5. twittervision (5078 overall)
  6. twhirl (4598 overall)
  7. twitpic (4220 overall)
  8. twistori (3559 overall)
  9. tweetscan (3078 overall)
  10. hashtags (3062 overall)
☍ 09.06.2009

Capitalism Beta

Umair Haque’s presentation on Capitalism 2.0

☍ 18.05.2009

Beta of the Day

Beta of the Day

A big shout to John Blossom (@jblossom) who startet a MoMB Beta of the Day series on Twitter.

☍ 05.03.2009

The Yearbook

launches 2005 - 2008
launches 2005 – 2008

I’ve added a fresh set of lists – the yearbook – to the labs section. Basically they organize the mixin top 100 list by year:

☍ 22.12.2008

6000 Betas

The MoMB just crossed the 6000 betas mark (the 6000th app listed is the super sharp youcalc.)

It doesn’t seem like the beta-phenomenon is cooling down soon, so stay tuned.

☍ 27.10.2008

Betas of the Year 2005 - Where are they now?

the next web took a look at Dion Hinchcliffe’s Best Web 2.0 Software of 2005 list and asked asked the brilliant question where are they now…?.

Most of them (22) are still alive – is alive and well, blinklist is alive but dying – and six of them are dead.

I’m always interested in benchmarking the performance of beta sites so I too took a look at the Betas of the Year list I’ve compiled at the end of 2005.

And guess what, all of them are still around and well, most of them actually best in class in their field.

Nr. 1: Writely


Status: alive and well – purchased by Google in 2006, became the basic building block of Google Docs.

Nr. 2: flickr


Status: alive and well – was acquired by Yahoo.

Nr. 3: Netvibes


Status: alive and well

Runners-Up: (alphabetical)

Amazon Mechanical Turk Amazon Mechanical Turk

Status: alive

Dabble DB Dabble DB

Status: alive

Status: alive and well – also puchased by Yahoo.

Etsy Etsy

Status: alive and well

Google Base Google Base

Status: alive

Google Book Search Google Book Search

Status: alive

Measure Map Measure Map

Status: alive – also acquired by Google, was integrated in Google Analytics as part of the redesign.

Num Sum Num Sum

Status: still around.

Odeo Odeo

Status: alive – didn’t quite match the expectations, but let’s not forget that Twitter is a spin-off.

Remember the Milk Remember the Milk

Status: alive – small but dedicated group of users.

☍ 25.10.2008